Hall Green Quaker Meeting is currently open and meets at its usual time of 10:45 on Sundays. We wear masks and space out chairs to maintain social distancing.
Enquirers can contact us via hallgreen.quakers@btinternet.com and we will be happy to welcome them.
Join us for Meeting for Worship:
Sunday |
About 40 people are attached to this Quaker meeting, with an attendance at Meeting for Worship of about 20 people on Sunday each week. As well as Meeting for Worship, there are monthly meetings for healing and meetings for discussion and fellowship in one another’s homes. We also have shared lunches after Meeting for Worship on some Sundays, and we go out for meals and walks together.
Meeting for Worship for Healing: second Saturday of the Month – 4:30 pm (refreshments) 5pm start of Meeting.
Children’s Meeting
We make regular provision for children, although it is helpful if you are able to let us know that you are bringing children or young people: hallgreen.quakers@btinternet.com
The Meeting House is accessible downstairs for those with limited mobility, including an accessible toilet. There is also a hearing loop.
Room Hire
See photos below for an idea of the rooms that are available. For enquiries about booking a room, or other premises matters, call Mina Tilt on 0121 778 6778 or 07719 625418
Getting here
The entrance to the car park is in Hamlet Road. It is not possible to drive into Hamlet Road from Stratford Road – approach from Fox Hollies Road.
The Number 6 bus from the City Centre to Solihull stops outside the Meeting House. The Number 6 bus from Solihull to Birmingham City Centre stops opposite the Meeting House but the next stop is closer to the pedestrian crossing. The Number 11 Outer Circle bus stop is about 5 minutes walk, as is Hall Green Station.

Birmingham, B28 9BG
United Kingdom
Email: hallgreen.quakers@btinternet.com
Sunday |
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