Midlands Quakers for Climate Justice and Sustainability Group

The Midlands Quakers for Climate Justice and Sustainability Group is a network of Friends from across the region who share a concern about the climate and ecological emergency.

The group was started by Sarah Shaw, who is the East Midlands Local Development Worker, as a peer support group for any Friends concerned about Climate Justice. It is now being opened up to the whole of the Midlands region, including CEQ, and Sarah is more than happy to have more Friends join. She says:

We meet monthly on Zoom, where we hear from visiting speakers – both locally and from across the UK – about climate projects they’re involved in as Quakers (past talks have included Incredible Edible, City of Sanctuary, Carbon Income, Living Witness, Hope Valley Climate Action, and the like). These sessions also provide opportunities for us to share news, ideas and resources with one another, and to forge new networks and friendships.

For further information about joining these sessions, or to sign up for our monthly e-bulletin, please contact Sarah Shaw at sarahs@quaker.org.uk