Thinking about whether to re-start in-person worship?

Many Quaker communities are finding it hard to decide whether and when to re-start meeting in person. This is made harder by the current restrictions affecting all parts of our lives.

Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM) offer some spiritual and practical advice for local meetings trying to make these difficult decisions.

“Some of us are carrying an additional emotional burden at the moment. We make hard decisions daily. We are stressed by not having simple social and physical contact, regular activities and ordinary life. Our personal struggles are amplified when people we love and are close to have different opinions or behave in ways we don’t agree with.

When we make a discernment about holding meeting for worship, we must recognise that all these factors come into play. It is part of our spiritual discipline and needs to be considered “with an informed mind as well as a loving and tender spirit”. (Quaker faith & practice 2.86, part).”

Introduction to the BYM guidance

More coronavirus guidance, from CEQ Trustees, BYM and UK Government.