
Central England Quakers is a group of Quaker Meetings within the Midlands: including the cities of Birmingham and Coventry, the Black Country, and the surrounding areas.  Join us for Meeting for Worship, and to experience friendship and community.


Peace Actions Aug & Sept 2024 - A round-up of events and actions for peace, being led by (or in partnership with) various Quaker bodies around Britain. Hiroshima Day A play ‘The Priest’s Tale’ remembering Hiroshima and Nagasaki followed by poetry readings by peace poet Antony Owen… Continue Reading
Get ready for Quaker Week 2024 - Quaker Week runs every year to help Quaker meetings to attract new people and share their faith. In 2024, Quaker Week will be from 28 September to 6 October, with the same theme as last year of ' Simple. Radical.… Continue Reading
Peace Pilgrimage this September - The SDSC Arms Fair is taking place in Telford in November. In witness against this event, Peace Pilgrimage, supported by our project Peace Hub, Stourbridge Quaker Meeting and several individual Friends, are organising a pilgrimage for peace. Beginning in Malvern… Continue Reading
Keeping in touch during Yearly Meeting - The Area Meeting Clerks are planning to create two WhatsApp groups for Quakers from Central England attending Yearly Meeting at the end of July: one for those joining via Zoom; and one for those attending in person to allow Friends… Continue Reading
Midlands Green Quakers Autumn / Winter 2024 programme - Midlands Green Quakers is a peer support group for any Friends concerned about Climate Justice. It is open to the whole of the Midlands region (including CEQ), and is convened by Sarah Shaw, the East Midlands Local Development Worker. Sarah… Continue Reading

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  • Yearly Meeting 2024 26/07/2024 - 30/07/2024 at Online and at Friends House, London. – Yearly Meeting (YM) is our annual opportunity for Quakers across Britain to come together in worship, learning and inspiration.  Britain Yearly Meeting 2024 will take place in London over the weekend of 26–30 July. This year, we will ask Friends to consider Integrity and Truth and we will discern Yearly…

  • Hiroshima Day Service 2024 Hiroshima Day Service 2024 06/08/2024 at Coventry Cathedral, Coventry. – Lord Mayor of Coventry's Committee for Peace and Reconciliation invite you to a service of reflection for Hiroshima Day 2024. Coventry Quakers have long supported this event to remember those affected by the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and promote reconciliation. All are welcome at Coventry Cathedral. A message…

  • Devotional Area Meeting August 2024 Devotional Area Meeting August 2024 17/08/2024 at Hartshill Quaker Meeting House, Hartshill. Fox @ 400 – A devotional Area Meeting, with no business, in which Quakers from across our area can worship together. This meeting for worship will also be a chance to mark the 400th anniversary of Quaker founder George Fox, who was born in Fenny Drayton, not far from Hartshill. The Meeting House will…

  • The Life & Work of George Fox The Life & Work of George Fox 07/09/2024 at Coventry Quaker Meeting House, Coventry. – An illustrated talk about the life and work of George Fox, with readings from his journal. George Fox was one of the founders of Quakerism, and Friends are currently marking the 400th anniversary of his birth. Refreshments available and participants are invited to contribute towards our building project. There will…

  • Midlands Green Quakers 17/09/2024 Online. Ecological Spirituality - Roots – Midlands Green Quakers is a network of Friends from across the region who share a concern about the climate and ecological emergency. For our autumn series of Zoom sessions, we’ll explore how our love for the earth is intertwined with our spiritual lives. Each month will draw upon imagery of…

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