Getting Started
Welcome to the new Central England Quakers Online Contribution Scheme which is the simple way for members and attenders within Central England Area Meeting to contribute by giving to Quaker work at all levels. It is intended that this will eventually replace the existing card system you may be familiar with. The new system makes it easier to specify your giving and update the details as necessary. If you have questions, they may be covered in our FAQ about the Contribution Scheme. A version of this document with screenshots is also available on the FAQ page:
The online system will be made ‘live’ on Thursday 1st February 2024. Please do not try to register before this date.
If you are new to the online system please take a couple of minutes to register. After that you can simply login to check and update details of your planned giving.
Begin by going to the CEQ website and visit the ‘Donate’ page – click Donate in the menu, or go directly to

From the Donate page click:
‘Donate via the Contributions scheme’.

If it’s your first time using the system, choose ‘Register’
If you are already registered, choose ‘Log in’.
If you’ve left your computer logged in, you will have skipped this page, and be taken straight to ‘My Giving’.

To register, give your basic details: Name, Quaker Meeting, email address.
Create a password, and confirm password (to ensure no typos). You’ll need your email and password each time you log in, so make it something you’ll remember. If you do forget, you can reset your password using your email.
Your data will be processed in line with CEQ’s Privacy & Data protection policies – please confirm that you are happy with this (please note that these policies apply whether you are using the online or paper versions of the contributions scheme).
When you’ve put in your details, click register. You will be taken directly to the ‘My Giving’ page. You will also be sent a welcome email – if the email doesn’t appear, check your spam folder.
Logging In
You only need to register once. After that you can log in using your email and password. Follow the first steps above – going to ‘Donate’, then ‘Donate via the Contributions scheme’. Now choose ‘Log in’ (instead of ‘Register’). Alternatively, click the link in the welcome email ‘Login to our site’. Either way you will arrive at the Login page.

Enter your email and password and click ‘Login’.
You will be taken directly to the ‘My Giving’ page.
If you have forgotten your password, click ‘Forgot your password?’
You will be asked for your email address, and then emailed a link to allow you to reset your password. If the email doesn’t appear, check your spam folder.
My Giving
Once you have registered and logged in, you should notice a new menu. The first item on this menu will be ‘My Giving’ – this is the main page where you will enter details of which beneficiaries you would like to give to.

When you first register, log in, or go to the donate page when you are already logged in, you should be taken straight to this page. If you ever need to get back there, click ‘My Giving’ in the menu. (This menu will disappear when you log out – follow the steps above to log back in).

The top of the My Giving page will show your name and your local meeting (where it says ‘Test Person’ here).

Scroll down to see details of your donations.
When you first register, all the beneficiaries will have £0.00 next to them. Once you have filled out the form, you will see the amounts you have previously assigned each fund.
To get started click Start / Edit form.

You will now be able to add amounts for each beneficiary.
You can type figures into each box – you don’t have to use the increase / decrease buttons. Blank entries will be treated as zero.
Scroll down to see all of the available beneficiaries. You can give through this scheme to your Local Meeting, Area Meeting work & witness, Britain Yearly Meeting and a selection of other organisations outside of CEQ most frequently supported by Friends in Central England. If you’d like to know more about the different beneficiaries, see our Beneficiaries page.
Once you have put amounts next to each of the beneficiaries that you’d like to give to, you can choose the donation method: online card payment, online direct debit, standing order, online banking, cheque, CAF Account online transfer or CAF ‘charity cheque’. You can also decide whether you’d like to make the donation for the year in one lump sum, or spread your payments quarterly or monthly. Please note that some payment methods may limit these options.

Choose how you’d like to make your donation.
Then choose the frequency of payments.
Tick if you would like to Gift Aid your donation – see separate section below.
Finally click save to confirm your choices!
If you have made a mistake and want to erase any changes you’ve made, choose cancel.
After pressing ‘Save’

You will now be able to see the amounts that you’ve assigned to each beneficiary.
In this example we have put £1 for the local meeting, £2 for the general fund and so on. You will see the amounts you have chosen.
Scroll down to see all the beneficiaries.
Below the amounts you have assigned each beneficiary, you will see

A total for the calendar year.
Please check that this matches your expected total giving.
You will also see your chosen method of donation and frequency.
If you have chosen to donate monthly or quarterly, the relevant amount per month or quarter will be displayed.
Again, please check that this matches what you expected.
You will also see instructions for your chosen payment method.
If you have chosen an online card payment, direct debit or CAF account, the online payment system will appear here in place of the instructions – see additional section on Online Payments below.
After saving you can log out (click ‘Log Out’ in the menu). If you log in again in future to update your preferences, these figures will still be here. Simply follow the steps ‘Logging in’ and ‘My Giving’ above, to view and amend your amounts, or any other details that have changed.
Gift Aid
If you are making your donation by online card payment, Direct Debit or CAF online account transfer then CAF (who provide our online payments system) will give you the option to apply Gift Aid and process it for us. See separate section on Online Payments below.
If you are donating by CAF ‘charity cheque’, gift aid will have been recovered by CAF and added to your charity account, so no further gift aid can be claimed.
If you are paying by standing order, online banking or cheque, you will have the option to apply Gift Aid before pressing ‘Save’ on your preferences. You can log in and edit your gift aid settings along with your amounts and other details at any time. If you are not interested in gift aid, leave the first tick box blank, and no further action will be required.

If you have chosen to pay by standing order, online banking or cheque, you will see a
checkbox, asking if you are a UK taxpayer.
Ticking this box will give you the option to
confirm whether you would like to apply Gift Aid at this time.
If you select ‘yes I would like to Gift Aid my giving’ you will be asked to give your address (in particular the house number and postcode, as required by HMRC).
After choosing or updating your Gift Aid preferences, click save to confirm your choices!
Then follow the section ‘After pressing Save’ above.
Online Payments
If you have chosen to pay by online banking, standing order, cheque or CAF ‘charity cheque’ please ignore this section.

If you are making your donation by online card payment, Direct Debit or online CAF Account transfer, then after clicking ‘Save’ the online payments system will appear below your list of amounts and total to give.
The frequency should match what you have already chosen. An annual payment by credit/debit card will be described as ‘just one donation’ – you will need to make a new card payment each calendar year. Similarly if you have chosen CAF account transfer you will need to do this each year.
Start by pressing next.

You will then need to enter the amount, which should match your total giving (or monthly / quarterly giving if you have chosen to pay by direct debit in this way).
Then press next to proceed.

You will now have options to apply Gift Aid, and receive updates about fundraising from us (these will be infrequent). Select your preferences, and again click ‘next’ to proceed.
CAF provides a reminder at this stage, that this system is only for individuals to make donations, not companies or organisations.

Options for payment method will appear. The exact look of this screen will vary depending on whether you have chosen to donate by debit/credit card (you have the option to give your card details directly to CAF, or use PayPal if you have an account); CAF account online transfer; or direct debit.
Clicking next at this stage will open a new window, taking you to the CAF Donate website to finalise your payment.
Again the exact look of the screen will vary according to which payment method you have chosen.
Apologies that you may have to re-enter some details at this stage, for CAF’s benefit. Click next to reach the final page where you will need to enter your payment details, according to the method of payment you have chosen, and confirm.
Make sure you click ‘Donate Now’ at the very end!
You should receive an email confirming that your payment has been made (if an email does not appear, please check your spam folder). You can now return to the My Giving page and log out (click ‘Log Out’ in the menu).

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