FAQ (Contributions Scheme)

Frequently asked questions about the CEQ Contributions System

When can I start using the Online Contributions Scheme?

You can use the scheme now! The online contribution scheme is available as of 1st February 2024.

Will I still get the schedule card?

Once you have registered you will no longer be sent the card. You can check and change your entries online at any time.

What happens if I don’t update my entry?

The current entry will be used to distribute future payments until you update it.

What happens if I forget to make a payment?

We will always distribute the money actually received but we are sure the beneficiaries would appreciate you keeping your giving up to date!

Do I need to re-confirm my intention to Gift Aid each year?

No. If this becomes necessary due to HMRC rules we will contact you.

Who can I give to?

You can give through this scheme to your Local Meeting, Area Meeting work & witness, Britain Yearly Meeting and a selection of other organisations outside of CEQ most frequently supported by Friends in Central England. If you’d like to know more about the different beneficiaries, see our Beneficiaries page.

I used to give money to an organisation not on the list – where is it?

To reduce the amount of administration we have removed a small number of organisations supported by only a few Friends. Please continue to support them directly.

I give money to one of the listed organisations directly – should I include it in my giving?

No – only money given through the Schedule should be included in your entry.

How do I sign up for the online system?

If you are new to the online system please take a couple of minutes to register. After that you can simply login to check and update details of your planned giving. Follow our step-by-step guide to registering and using the system.

How do I get help?

We hope we have devised a scheme that is user friendly and have provided a step-by-step guide to help you through the new system. You can also contact our Contributions Treasurer Stephen Holt at srholt66@gmail.com

However if there are teething problems, please could we make a plea for patience? Many thanks.