Woodbrooke have released a statement which gives information for Friends about the future of Woodbrooke Learning & Research, as well as their site in Birmingham.
Woodbrooke is an independent charity, not directly under the auspices of Central England Quaker or Britain Yearly Meeting. It does however, provide many services that are extremely important to Quakers across Britain, and many Friends in our Area Meeting feel a particular connection, as the Woodbrooke centre sits within our geographic region.
Read the full statement on the Woodbrooke website.
“We ask Friends to uphold everyone involved in Woodbrooke as we go through this transition. Change brings opportunities but it can also entail letting go. We know how important all aspects of Woodbrooke are to many people. As stewards of Woodbrooke, trustees and staff take their responsibility seriously. By going through this transition, we are working to give Woodbrooke the best chance to thrive in the years to come.”
Ingrid Greenhow, Clerk to Woodbrooke Trustees
Sandra Berry, Director of Woodbrooke