Meg Harper and Dave Rawcliffe of Warwick Quaker Meeting, invite Friends to join a regular Sunday-evening online worship.
Online Meeting for Worship 7.45 to 8.45 on Sunday evenings.
Currently there are just three regular attenders, but we continue to feel led to serve the Quaker community in this way. We would like to invite Friends from Central England and Banbury & Evesham to join, as it would be wonderful to have some more people attending. Our hope is that those who cannot attend a meeting in person might enjoy this method of worship with Quakers who are reasonably local and could meet in person occasionally.
The link for the meeting can be accessed via the Warwick Quaker website.
If Friends want to contact Meg first before joining us, details are available in the blue membership book, but this is not necessary. We do request that Friends join the meeting muted and remain muted unless they wish to minister.