Midweek Meeting at Bull St

Friends are encouraged to join midweek Meeting for Worship at Bull St Quaker Meeting House, which is held every Wednesday 12:45 – 1:15pm.

This is the only in-person midweek worship currently held in our area*, and Bull St Friends would like to offer a warm welcome to anyone who would appreciate the opportunity to join worship outside of a Sunday morning. The meeting house is easily accessible by bus, train or tram from city-centre stops.

Friends might like to combine joining midweek worship with the weekly 15-minute climate vigil, held at the nearby Cathedral Square 1:30 – 1:45pm each Wednesday. This is organised independently by a group of concerned Quakers, and timed to allow Friends to join after worship.

*As far as we are aware – if there are others please let us know: website@ceaqm.org.uk
An online meeting is held by Warwick Quakers on the third Thursday of the month at 2pm.