Quakers invited to oppose Telford Arms Fair

Quakers from Telford, Wolverhampton and Malvern are joining others to witnessing against the Specialist Defence and Security Convention arms fair (SDSC-UK) . Friends from Central England are invited to join the day of action on Thursday 2nd November.

In an open letter to the Telford International Centre, who are due to host the arms fair, local Quakers and other peaceful groups note concerns that SDSC exhibitors include companies linked to the Saudi-led coalition’s war in Yemen and the resulting humanitarian crisis, to anti-democratic surveillance and repression, and to the drone bombings, night raids and the killing of civilians in many countries.

On 2nd November, Quakers are invited to join the regular midweek Meeting for Worship at 12:30pm at The Octagon, Meeting Point House, Southwater Square, Telford Town Centre, TF3 4HS. Friends can then travel together to the nearby site of the arms fair, and a half-hour Meeting for Worship for witness will be held from 1:30pm.

For those who can stay longer, there will be leafleting and protest happening between 8:45am and 4pm (approx), with a particular focus on the arrival and departure of the delegates in the morning and afternoon. See full information about where and when things will be happening on the Stop SDSC website, or contact stopsdsc@gmail.com for more details.