Climate Justice Vigils during Quaker Week

Quaker Support for Climate Action (QS4CA), which evolved from the Big One protests in April, is inviting Quakers across the country to hold vigils during Quaker Week.  The call to hold climate vigils reflects the theme of this year’s Quaker Week (Simple. Radical. Spiritual.) which will run from 23rd September to 1st October in England.

Friends across Central England are invited to join the ‘Concern for the Climate’ vigil during Quaker Week.

A regular silent vigil is held by Quakers every Wednesday 1.30 – 1.45pm outside St Phillips Cathedral, central Birmingham. It is timed so that you can join the midweek Meeting for Worship at Bull St beforehand (12:45 – 1:15pm).  Although a special invitation is extended to join this initiative during Quaker Week, you are of course welcome to join any Wednesday.

Local Meetings may also want to hold a one-off vigil of their own after their Meeting for Worship. Bournville will be holding a daily afternoon vigil each weekday of Quaker Week Mon 25 Sep to Fri 29 Sep – from 2:45 to 3:30 pm, outside Bournville Meeting House on Linden Road, opposite the end of Woodbrooke Road.

And on Sun 1 Oct (World Quaker Day) – from 12:30 to 1:00 pm, there will be a vigil outside Bournville Meeting House on Linden Road or on Bournville Green. Join friends from Bournville, Cotteridge and Selly Oak Meetings for a one-off vigil, followed by tea and coffee in the Meeting House.

Read more about the QS4CA Climate Vigil initiative.

Read more about Quaker Week and the resources available.

Photo: ‘Quakers for Climate Justice’ patchwork embracing a tree in Bournville.