Could you Volunteer with Talking Friends?

Talking Friends record Quaker News, The Friend and other publications for visually impaired Friends. We are appealing for a small team of volunteers to support us in the duplication and distribution of memory sticks to our subscribers.

Full training and instruction sheets will be provided on the process and all necessary equipment.

What does it involve?
• Friday mornings at Priory Rooms, Birmingham, in teams of two;
• Downloading a recording of the Friend onto a memory stick;
• Duplicating the master copy onto more memory sticks;
• Keeping a record of sent and received memory sticks;
• Posting the memory sticks.

Are you interested? Can you help?
Phone or email: or 0121 415 4883

Training session will be held on Friday 18th November 2022, at Priory Rooms, 10.30 – 12.30…tea, coffee and Danish pastries.

Regular duplication and distribution to start on Friday 9th December 2022.