Together With Refugees

CEQ Peace Committee, and our project Peace Hub are supporting a new campaign Together With Refugees. Quakers are invited to show support by making and displaying orange hearts, and writing to MPs.

The UK government is planning to introduce new rules for how we treat refugees. The plans have been described as a major attack on people seeking safety, and they may undermine our obligations under international law.

Many organisations are coming together this week under the banner Together With Refugees, for a week of action to call for a fairer, more compassionate approach to refugees (Quaker Asylum & Refugee Network, and BYM are both national members). The orange heart is the symbol adopted by Together With Refugees – Birmingham City of Sanctuary are encouraging public buildings to join in their orange heart trail around the city centre – and Schools of Sanctuary will be creating trails in their local area too.

The heart uses the colours of the flag created by refugee artist Yara Said, for the first ever refugee team in the Olympics in 2016. The colours were inspired by a lifebelt representing hope.  It was developed in consultation with refugee organisations and people with lived experience, and is displayed as a symbol of compassion to people fleeing war, persecution or violence.

Make your own orange heart, and show that you stand Together With Refugees.

You can join in by popping into our project Peace Hub for one of our regular crafting workshops to make an orange heart. We’ll provide materials, with options for sewing, painting, collaging, printing and/or colouring. All welcome, 2pm to 4pm each Tuesday from 26th October and throughout November:

You can also pop into Peace Hub to sign an action card to your MP, calling for a a fairer, more compassionate approach to refugees.