An invitation to share with 16-25 year olds in your Meetings or networks:
- Care about climate change?
- Like being creative?
- Want to make a difference?
- 16-25 years old?
- Want to make a difference?
- Like being creative?
Join the poet and activist Matt Sowerby for two free eco-poetry workshops. Create work in conversation with the Loving Earth Textiles Project supported by Woodbrooke. Open to anyone aged 16-25 in the West Midlands (this event is being offered by Quakers, but is open to people of all faiths and none.)
Poetry contributions may be selected to be part of the exhibition in Birmingham and Glasgow events for COP26. (You will need to complete a media consent form.)
COP 26 is a conference bringing 194 countries together to put an action plan in place to address Climate Change. But campaigners and experts are concerned that the plan will be watered down, and won’t address Climate Justice – so we need to send a strong message to leaders demanding that they take serious action.
You are invited to join two workshop sessions, which will offer you creative skills to express your concerns about the Climate Crisis. You an attend one or both: (the first is on 21st July, the second is on 11th August). You will have the opportunity to attend a showcase event on Saturday September 25th in Birmingham at which your poetry may be performed.

A Build Back Better Sustainability & New Economy Grant has been awarded by Quakers in Britain to enable the Loving Earth Textile and Poetry project to offer young people aged 16 – 25 years the opportunity to attend 2 Zoom workshops led by Matt Sowerby Poet/ Activist facilitated by Rachael Swancott Programme Co-ordinator at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre.

The workshop sessions will offer young people ways to create their own responses to the upcoming COP 26 conference and Climate Justice. The Loving Earth textile project will be one source of inspiration for the poetry and some textile pieces will be exhibited in the Peace Hub during Great Big Green Week September 18th – 26th 2021
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