Central England Quakers is a supporting meeting for Quaker Concern for the Abolition of Torture. Q-CAT have asked for the following request to be circulated:
One strand of Q-CAT’s work is holding the government to account and to this end we write to government departments, ministers and MPs as appropriate. It is useful sometimes to be able to focus on specific MPs known to be particularly interested in or expert on a matter. Since MPs are usually willing to respond only to their own constituents it would be helpful to know which constituency our supporters live in so that in certain circumstances we might be able to ask you to direct a specific matter to your MP.
If you are interested in writing to your MP about this Concern, please contact from.qcat@hotmail.com saying which constituency you live in and who is your current MP.
It will also be interesting and useful to know from this, the geographical spread of our supporters.