Community Justice Group

‘Community Justice’ means being concerned for all our neighbours, especially the more vulnerable and ostracised to ensure Justice for all, not just the mighty.   It can be described as the strategic method of crime reduction and prevention, but Quakers go further than that: believing that if society can focus on treating everyone with dignity and respect, ensuring equal access to accommodation, employment and healthcare then the ‘community’ can have more ‘justice’.

Membership is for Friends who are actively involved in community justice issues, including local Quakers in different disciplines of community justice.

Purpose is to meet to give support to each other working in this field as well as keep Area Meeting informed about current issues of concern by hosting conferences, open meetings, and writing reports. The group maintains a good knowledge base by sending some of its members to attend national conferences and also receiving literature from relevant charities (eg QICJ, Howard League, Prisoner Reform Trust, NACRO etc.).

Current Members include Quakers involved in chaplaincy for the criminal justice system, policing, the NHS and retail. There are also those working on ecumenical dialogue, and with asylum seekers and refugees.

‘Chaplains’ is an unusual term for Quakers to use as we do not have priests or vicars.  However, the title enables us to be part of multi faith chaplaincy teams in numerous institutions where our unique, non judgemental pastoral care can give support to many.  Quakers’ belief that everyone is unique, precious and a child of God helps break down barriers and begin difficult conversations.

The Group has drawn Area Meeting’s attention to the iniquitous IPP sentence still being served by prisoners, even though it is no longer a legal punishment. We also maintain a watching brief on a variety of issues and recently heard about ‘Spiritual Accompaniment’. We were told about a chaplaincy course at Birmingham Newman University which offers a good training.

From time to time we also organise public meetings on subjects of wide interest to Friends and others.

We would welcome interested Quakers to join us, recognising that some of the conversations will be highly confidential and have to be kept within the Group. Contact: Patricia Bradbury