
Central England Quakers Contribution Scheme – some notes on the Beneficiaries.

Your Local Meeting

Your LM Treasurer or Collector is best placed to advise on this.

CEQ Area Meeting Work & Witness
General Fund

Helps Friends to attend courses and conferences; provides literature; provides grants to AM projects/branches and funds the expenses of AM committees; pays for membership of ecumenical bodies; makes donations to Britain Yearly Meeting and some other Quaker funds.

Peacemakers: West Midlands Quaker Peace Education Project

A CEQ project which works primarily with school communities, developing the skills of peacemaking and peacebuilding of the students and the adults. It does this through delivering courses, training teachers, producing resources and training peer mediators. This work is a key element of our Quaker witness in the Midlands.

Community Justice Group

Brings together local Quakers involved in the Criminal Justice system, informs AM about topical issues and supports Friends working in the field by enabling them to attend conferences/training events and purchasing items needed for their work.

CEQ Peace Committee

Helps and supports Friends’ practical expression of the Peace Testimony in its breadth and entirety

Peace Hub

The Quaker Peace and Justice Centre based at 41 Bull Street (the shop adjacent to Bull Street Meeting House). Peace Hub employs a part time co-ordinator, supported by volunteers, and engages the public to take action for peace and social justice. Peace Hub is funded by voluntary contributions and welcomes support from Friends.

Quaker Christmas Parcels

This scheme provides over 1,000 food parcels annually, during the weeks before Christmas, for those known to the Probation Service to be in great need and to local asylum seeker/refugee charities.

Britain Yearly Meeting

Expresses our corporate witness, through national and international work for peace and social justice, and nurtures Local and Area Meetings by providing spiritual and pastoral care

Other Organisations

These organisations are the ones outside of CEQ most frequently supported by Friends in Central England. Please continue to support other organisations not listed here by giving to them directly.


An international Quaker learning and research organisation based in Britain. Support is welcomed for Woodbrooke’s bursary fund and programme development.

Woodlands Quaker Home, Penn

A full-care home in Wolverhampton, which, although a separate charity, is the responsibility of CEQ Area Meeting. Bursaries help needy Friends with costs including travel and support to attend Wolverhampton Quaker meeting. The welfare fund pays for trips and in-house entertainment.

Footsteps (Faiths for a Low Carbon Future)

Footsteps was formed in 2016 after the Paris Climate Agreement. It brings Birmingham’s faith groups together in moving to a low carbon future. It has become widely recognised as a city-wide interfaith climate action group. Activities include holding events and conferences, working with young people and connecting faith communities with the council’s climate emergency task force and other voluntary sector sustainability initiatives.

ecobirmingham (formerly Northfield Ecocentre) 

Helps communities and households across the city to reduce their impact on the planet. Run by a team of part-time staff and volunteers, the work includes sustainable transport, community food growing, digital and arts projects and lobbying. Although now an independent charity, it retains Quaker values, and CEQ nominate a trustee to their board.


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