Peace Hub Focus Group

26/03/2025, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Any Friends who are concerned about peace and social justice issues are invited to this initial session of the Peace Hub Focus Group.

This group will help to enliven and stimulate the work of our project Peace Hub, and to align priority areas with the energy and concerns of Friends.

We’ll create space to explore what Concerns we are being called to at this time, and what support would be helpful to facilitate our peace witness. This will help develop the content for Peace Hub work and provide guidance on issues and groups for the coordinator to work with.

The group is be open to any members or attenders within Central England who are concerned about peace and social justice issues. Group membership is though active participation, and not formally nominated.

We’re thinking of meeting once a month (understanding that not everyone will make every meeting).  At this first meeting we can look at what would work best for people, and how we’d like the group to be.

Any Friends wishing to join, or interested in learning more, can contact the Peace Hub Coordinator:


At Area Meeting in November, our project Peace Hub set out it’s plans for new ways of working in 2025. Three priorities for the work have been identified:

  • Working with & supporting other groups committed to peace & social justice, through outreach, inreach & networking;
  • Organising peace events & activities that build on this partnership work;
  • Taking people on a journey from passive to active in this peace work.

The Focus Group will help develop the content for Peace Hub work and provide guidance on issues and groups for Peace Hub to work with. This is envisaged as a ginger group: ‘an active or galvanising group within a larger organisation or body.’ ‘Focus Group’ is a working title, the group may find another name that conveys its active nature.

Photo: a camera lens focusing on the path ahead, by SplitShire on

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