Peace Pilgrimage underway

The SDSC Arms Fair is taking place in Telford in November. In witness against this event, Peace Pilgrimage, supported by our project Peace Hub, Stourbridge Quaker Meeting and several individual Friends, are walking a pilgrimage for peace.

Pilgrims set off from Malvern (where this arms fair was previously sited) on Tuesday 10th September. Along the way we will stop at other sites of suffering to pray and witness, arriving in Telford on Saturday (14th September). Christians of different denominations are supporting the pilgrimage, and we welcome those of other faiths and no faith too.

You can still join the pilgrimage as a day walker – on Saturday pilgrims will be walking from Wolverhampton to Telford – sign up to get details of locations and times on the Peace Pilgrimage website.

You can follow the progress of the pilgrims by listening to the Peace Pilgrimage Podcast:

We would also love local people to help us promote this event, and build awareness ahead of SDSC (Specialist Defence and Security Convention) returning in November. If you’d like to be involved in that witness, please contact Peace Hub:

When the arms fair was last held in November 2023 four Central England Quakers were arrested while witnessing against it. As an Area Meeting, we minuted that “we want our Friends (and other non-Quakers) who are acting under concern (consistent with our living Peace Testimony) to know that they are being prayerfully supported by the whole Area Meeting.”