Photographer for Woodbrooke tapestries

Many thanks to those who have already contacted John with offers to help with this task.

The seven tapestries by Elisabeth Holmgaard at Woodbrooke, which so many Friends have admired, will probably be dispersed when Woodbrooke closes.

If your Meeting might like to acquire one of the tapestries to display it, John has a list of them with pictures, descriptions and sizes which you can ask him to send you.

The Quaker Arts Network would like to prepare a catalogue of them, with good quality photos; copies will be kept in Friends House Library, the Quaker Tapestry Centre, etc. (We are looking for someone who would be able to take good quality photos when the perspex covers are removed and they are about to be taken down. This will happen some time in November. The task will probably need lighting equipment as well as a suitable camera. If you can help please contact John Lampen: ) We have had offers of help, thanks for your speedy replies Friends!