Principal Officer now in post

Sarah Barker, our new Principal Officer for Central England Quakers, is now in post, and sends a message to Friends across the Area Meeting:

It was lovely to meet some of you at Woodbrooke during the AM Away Day on 21st May and hear about your reflections on the Area Meeting and hopes for the future and I thank you for the warm welcome.  I ‘officially’ started in post on Monday 27th June and have spent some time in the first couple of days at the office in the Priory Rooms with Judith Jenner (Clerk to Trustees) and Stacy Sheekey (CEQ Office Administrator) sorting out IT access and doing a lot of reading! Over the coming weeks I look forward to meeting with more of you and will be attending the Area Meeting in Warwick on 21st July.  I will have a mobile phone number shortly but, in the meantime, if you wish to contact me, please feel free to do so via email on or the CEQ office 0121 2362644.