At Area Meetings, the hosting meeting provides a report on how the Truth has prospered in their Local Meeting.
Central England Quakers have produced a booklet collating all of the reports on how the Truth has prospered in Local Meetings in 2024. This provides a wonderful opportunity to learn more about other Local Meetings in the area, both opportunities for growth and nourishment as well as shared trials and tribulations.
Descriptions of activities at each meeting have been added to their meeting page (for meetings that don’t have their own website), under the heading ‘the life of our meeting’, to provide an insight into the meeting for enquirers. These have been edited to concentrate on the corporate life of the meeting and remove detailed references to individuals. If your meeting would like what is on your page edited, please contact
The query ‘how has the Truth prospered amongst you since our last meeting?’ has been used by Quakers since the 1680s. ‘Truth’ here refers to the deep spiritual Truth that we seek as a community. It is a prompt to reflect on our inward spiritual practice and outward expression of our Testimonies, and share these with other Friends who we meet less frequently. Quaker Faith and Practice 1.04 explains the history of this phrase and its evolution over time.