At Area Meeting in January, an Activity Fayre was held. Friends were invited to visit and engage with 18 CEQ Branches, Committees and Groups. A booklet has been published with a one-page summary prepared by each of the Groups on their activities and aims.
We hope that visiting Friends will be able to share their experience and the booklet with their Local Meetings. We also hope that it will encourage Friends to offer service to the Committees and Groups in support of their important work and witness.
As requested, some of the information included in the booklet, and details of other projects that Local Meetings are involved in, are now available on ‘Our Structures’ page of the CEQ website (along with some diagrams of structures within the Area Meeting). This page is listed in the footer of the website, under ‘For Quakers’.
Information about your Committee, Branch or Group can be updated in the same way as for Local Meetings – please contact the Outreach & Communications Administrator with the amendments you would like at