CEQ Trustees Annual Report & Accounts

Central England Area Meeting trustees are pleased to report on our work in 2023.

During 2023 trustees recruited and appointed Helen Waters as business support administrator to work alongside Sarah Barker, our principal officer.  With these two posts in place trustees are happy to report that all contact with the office in Bull Street is dealt with promptly and professionally.

The main work of trustees this year has been …

  • Adjusting to different ways of working;
  • Safeguarding training for trustees and for volunteers in post across the AM;
  • Discerning the future for some of our property so that it does not become a liability;
  • Supporting the work of our AM in developing the vision “What does Love require of us”;
  • Managing our reduced finances and cash flow but with a gift from Priory Rooms gratefully received in summer 2024.

Download the full report below: