Volunteer for BLM UK Festival at Friends House

Black Lives Matter UK (BLM) are hosting their inaugural anti-colonial festival in Friends House, London on 13th July. Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW) staff would like to know if you could volunteer your time to make it happen.

The team will need at least 50 people and it is a great asset if you know Friends House. We will need ushers, people to support in the different spaces to do things like show people where toilets are, reset the space for the next activity, give directions on where to go next, sign in desk duty, skilled photographers etc. 

Shifts are:

  • Morning- Afternoon
  • Afternoon – Evening
  • All day ( with breaks)

There will be refreshments throughout the day and lunch to those doing the morning-afternoon or all day shifts. 

If you are interested please fill in this form.

You can donate to BLM to help make this event happen, and read more about their work.

For more information from QPSW staff, please contact FaithInAction@quaker.org.uk