Journeymen Theatre book – on sale now!

Journeymen Theatre is a husband and wife duo (Lynn & Dave Morris, of Stourbridge Local Meeting). Over the last 13 years, acting under Concern, they have written, produced and performed a number of powerful and thought-provoking productions on themes reflecting Quaker Concerns and Testimonies.  Several of the productions have been specially commissioned.  

Lynn & Dave have recently decided to lay the company down, and were encouraged to create a “legacy project” to enable their work to be documented for posterity, and to make the material accessible to other performers.  The special book that has been created includes all nine scripts and a commentary on the background and motivation for each of the productions.  The second half of the book comprises Lynn & Dave’s gathered reflections of their life as a touring company and some of the reactions and responses their work has drawn over the years.  It also has a set of beautiful and unique illustrations for each play, designed by Jacky Fellows.  

The book is on sale now for £25 per copy with a limited run of 100. The book can be ordered via the Journeymen Theatre website which gives further details about the book and other publications:

The project has been part funded by CEQ Area Meeting and Stourbridge Local Meeting, and from Lynn & Dave’s own funds.  

Proceeds from the sale of books will be given to Lynn & Dave’s chosen charities and concerns.

All of the plays are available for performance and for play readings, with the proviso that people make a donation, however small, to one of Lynn & Dave’s specifically named charities and concerns.  

The editorial on the rear cover of the book reads:-

‘The Quaker theatre company Journeymen was born from a visit to Palestine’s West Bank in 2009. Over the course of more than a decade, Journeymen explored human rights concerns ranging from the mistreatment of refugees to the ageing prison population, giving audiences the opportunity to view these issues from a new angle.

Written with care, compassion and a spirited eye for character, these plays tackle difficult topics without flinching, uncovering both darkness and hope’.

Journeymen Theatre’s contribution over a long period has been unique, and deserves its place in Quaker history.