Look out for Roundabout!

The Spring 2024 edition of Roundabout Central England has just been published – look out for physical copies available at your local meeting soon. These are great for outreach purposes, Friends who don’t have internet access, or anyone just looking to take a break from screen-time.

In this edition:

  • Capturing the Spirit of Bournville
  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
    • Service at the Chapel of Unity Coventry
    • Pray24Brum 2024: Love God; Love your Neighbour
  • Quakers join interfaith ‘Unity Iftar’
  • Freedom for All Seder
  • Book reviews
    • My Story by Eva Lorimer
    • “Do Quakers Pray?” by Jennifer Kavanagh
  • Remembering Barbara Groombridge
  • plus notices & dates for your diary

You can also access the digital version of the newsletter below as a PDF, or as a text-only Word document for those using screen-readers:

And please let us know your news – both for the next newsletter and the email newsfeed: website@centralenglandquakers.org.uk We love to hear what is happening in Local Meetings across the Area.