Green & Blue Plaques remember Quakers

17th and 20th Century Quakers are being publicly commemorated though historic plaque schemes.

On Thursday 22nd June a number of Hartshill Quakers joined other Friends from Leicestershire at Fenny Drayton Church for the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the significance of George Fox to the church. The plaque is situated on the wall outside Fenny Drayton church and it reads ‘George Fox 1624-1691 Founder of the Quaker Movement Baptised and began to formulate his beliefs in this church’. You can read more about this in the latest Roundabout Central England magazine.

Meanwhile, Friends are invited to attend a Blue Plaque unveiling on Thursday 21st September to recognise the work of Quaker Bertha Bracey. The Birmingham Civic Society needs a rough idea of attendance as refreshments will be provided. There will be short speeches of introduction and thanks from representatives of groups helped by Bertha during a long life of service. The civic society welcomes your attendance at the unveiling ceremony at 2pm on 21st September – please let them know by emailing