Christmas Parcels Appeal 2022

Mina Tilt, Treasurer of the Quaker Christmas Parcels Committee, invites Friends to support the appeal and parcel packing for 2022.

Quaker Christmas Parcels first distributed food to the families of prisoners in December 1963. As we enter our 60th year of operation, the ongoing need for our service is eloquently witnessed by this response from a 2021 recipient:

“When I received this parcel, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, it means I can eat food for at least a few days…”

In 2022, amid the worst cost of living crisis in decades, the committee is conscious that such need continues to grow.

This year, as last, it is our intention to pack 870 parcels, 530 to be distributed in partnership with Probation Services with the remaining 340 parcels given to charities working with asylum seekers and refugees. However, we are aware that increases in food costs will inevitably mean that we need to spend more to maintain the same quality of parcel content as before. Therefore, our fund-raising efforts have a renewed sense of urgency in 2022. Please be assured that any donation you feel able to make will be greatly valued. The vital outreach of Quaker Christmas Parcels is only possible through the generous compassion of Friends like yourself.

You can make secure donation online, or for alternative ways to donate please contact Mina:

Parcel packing will take place on Friday 9th December 6pm to 9pm and Saturday 10th December 9am to 1pm, we would like your help to pack the food into parcels at Selly Oak QMH, 930 Bristol Road, Birmingham B29 6NB. Please do come along: friends and families of all ages are most welcome to join us.