The CEQ Trustees’ Report and Financial Statements for the year ending 31 December 2020 were approved by CEQ Trustees, and submitted to the Charity Commission, in September 2021, and can be viewed or downloaded below.
A paper copy will be sent to Local Meeting and Branch Clerks shortly, for them to share with members, attenders and committee colleagues. Additional copies will be freely available on request via the AM Office.
Trustees hope that Friends across the Area Meeting will take the time to read the Trustees Report, which gives a detailed account of the life and work of the Area Meeting in 2020, as well as the work undertaken by Trustees, even if not all Friends will wish to study the accounts in detail.
Friends will have an opportunity to ask questions about the Report and Accounts at Area Business Meeting in November. In the meantime, please feel free to direct queries or comments to James Bradbury, Treasurer to Trustees.