Area Meeting Office
The office at Bull Street remains closed for the time being. The Area Meeting Secretary is working from home and is taking phone calls and receiving emails as ‘normal’. However there is no access to the photocopier or other office equipment so most communication is electronic.
Area Meeting staff
The Peace Hub Co-ordinator is working from home and continuing to focus on engaging the public in peace & justice, online. Peace Hub has a Zoom account, which is available to Area Meeting committees for their meetings – please contact for more information.
He is also carrying out his work as administrator for the CEQ website and newsfeed – you can continue to submit news items to these.
Peacemakers Director is working from home but the rest of the team were furloughed from 1st April.
Employment Committee asked Local Meetings to continue to pay their staff as normal during the lockdown. If this becomes a problem please contact Clerk to Employment Committee – Tricia Bradbury.
Coming out of lockdown
We do not know when or how this will happen but we will have to follow the government guidelines. Trustees Property Committee are looking at producing guidelines for Local Meetings when it is clear what we can do in our buildings. We know that it will not be ‘back to normal’ immediately.