Could your meeting be a ‘Refill Station’?

A message from ecobirmingham (formerly Northfield Ecocentre)

In the UK 7.7 billion plastic water bottles are used each year, with the average person in the UK now using 150 plastic water bottles every year – that’s more than three a week!

Refill is a national campaign by City to Sea aiming to reduce plastic pollution at source by making it easier for people to reuse and refill their bottles with free tap water while out and about. ecobirmingham are the local champion for the campaign. They are working with a number of partners over the next 6 months and are currently asking for businesses to sign up to the free app to become a Refill Station. Bull Street Meeting House & the Priory Rooms have already signed up.

Refill Birmingham are particularly interested in hearing from Meeting Houses across the city who would like to become Refill Stations.

Read more about Refill Birmingham and how to get involved.