Area Meeting details all in one place

Details of all Area Business Meetings for the year can now easily be found in one place.

Use the link below, or find ‘Area Business Meeting’ under ‘Quaker Meetings’ in the website menu.

View Upcoming Area Meetings.

What is Area Business Meeting?

Our Area Business Meeting is a special type of Meeting for Worship used to make decisions: from how Quakers spend our money, to adopting a Concern.

Any Member can attend these meetings and take part in decision making: if you are an attender and would like to attend, please ask an Elder or Overseer at your local meeting.  The meeting will be chaired by a Clerk, who will introduce items of business to be discussed, and allow questions to be asked.  Members of the meeting sit silently in worship, reflecting on the matter in hand and try to Discern the way forward. Read more about Quaker structures.

Image: Friends Meeting at Cambridge, MA.